Object and Type
Object : FCBulk
Type : Method
Within the FCSession object, there is a method available for enumerating the available FCBulk objects.
Within the FCBulk object, there is a method available for enumerating the available FCGeneric objects.
Using these enumerators gives you access to all of the available FCBulk and FCGeneric objects.
The following example demonstrates looping through and showing details about each FCBulk and each FCGeneric object.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
Response.Write('Open FCBulks and FCGenerics:');
for(var objEnum = new Enumerator(FCSession);
!objEnum.atEnd(); objEnum.moveNext()) {
bulk = objEnum.item();
Response.Write('<br>FCBulk Name="' + bulk.name + '"');
for(var objEnum2 = new Enumerator(bulk);
!objEnum2.atEnd(); objEnum2.moveNext()) {
gen = objEnum2.item();
Response.Write('<br>•DB Object Type=' +
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic:
For Each Bulk In fc_session
Debug.Print "Bulk Name = " + Bulk.Name
For Each Generic In Bulk
Debug.Print "Generic DB Object Type = " + Generic.DbObjectName
Next Generic
Next Bulk